Friday, September 18, 2009

SPider-Man Sketch and Colors

Here's a collab by me (Pencil line art) and Big Bang Comics Terry Huddleston (Digi colors). (I apologize for not updating my blog, I have a ton of stuff but I'm just going to try and hit some of the high notes....well the highest of my low notes! haha)


Jagdish Bhawsar said...

hey..i must say are like also spiderman..,,,,haha.....

Niall O loughlin said...

Sweet Bat man, er I mean spider!

Bat said...

Thanks guys! I'm flattered!

Matt Ryder said...

Really nice stuff dude !

Unknown said...

Hey Bat's back 'on air' - nice work !

kanishk said...

Beautiful work!
I have enjoyed your work.

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